
The following are all genuine feedback comments I have recieved from my private practice clients. Each client has given full persmission for me to share their comments.

"Abigail made me feel immediately at ease. She is easy to talk to and I was surprised by her quick insight into my problems. I feel a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. After every session I have seen real improvements." SH 24

"Doctor Abigail really helped me get to where I am today. She has opened my eyes to a lot of things and given me the confidence I needed to help myself get better. After each session I feel like I'm given strength to continue enjoying my life like I should be." NJ 23

"Abigail provides caring change focussed sessions where issues of my feelings can be dealt with and understood. The focus is on making changes to resolve issues and move forward. I didn't need a lifetime of therapy to overcome the main things I needed help with." SP 56

"Abigail gave me so much confidence, not only in myself but also in the decisions I make. My sessions were extremely helpful. She is calm, comforting and reassuring." TL 32


"Our sessions were very hands on, straight to the point and very informative." PSM 41


"She takes the time to get to know you and is very gentle in her nature. She is gentle, caring and comforting. My sessions were helpful, successful and worthwhile." MJ 55


"Without the help of Abigail my daughter would have been lost with lots of problems and no way out but down. Abigail is very good at what she does." KAS 46

"Abigail has been a real partner with me through some significant losses; she has given me insight into my reactions and responses to life. She is very friendly, deeply interested and listens empathically." TI 35

"Abigail is kind, caring and compassionate. She was helpful because she was so enthusiastic." EM 37